Wednesday, July 1, 2020

100 Amazing Childhood Friend's Memory Quotes

childhood friend's memory quotes

Awesome and interesting are memories drawn from childhood experiences! Childhood days are fully packed with beautiful and incredible experiences. Of a truth, life experiences as a child are beautiful most especially with our very close best friends.

However, childhood friend memory quotes provide you with awesome and fascinating write-ups that dig well into the essence of friendship and bottling all they’ve done with appropriate words of sincere appreciation and further backed up with beautiful prayers.

 It’s so important to value our childhood friendship! And hence, the need for "Childhood Friends Memory Quotes" For we can't overemphasize the beautiful significance of friendship even friendship from the cradle. These childhood friend memory quotes help in buttressing your relationship with your friend and enhancing mutual understanding!

"Childhood Friends Memory Quotes" Provide you with lovely and exact right words to send to your childhood friends creating a more beautiful and long-lasting relationship between both of you. It is also good to know that these childhood friends memory quotes are awesomely composed to bring a brilliant smile on the face of your dear and special best friend from childhood. Take our words for it! Childhood friends memory quotes will give you the needed expectation. And you will be glad you did! So relax and read, then fish out the one best for your lovely friend in these awesome childhood friends memory quotes.

1. Friend, live forever! For a friend you are in hopeless and "horrible" situations, for you will yet live like a king and your expanse shall yet be beautifully enlarged.

2. The beauty of friendship is to see a cracked wall and later on turned to a solidified place of safety and a place of refuge for all races of the earth! Friend, yours is the case, for you’ve made my cracked wall home of beauty and hope.

3. Friendship is built on an obviously true person, capable enough to shoulder one's burdens as of a "log of wood" and will yet be inspired to keep on with you even when it seems the day is turned night. Friend from childhood you’re an indisputably rare one and my inspiration!

4. A friend can go with you a thousand miles, but a true friend will ever stick with you even when the duration of the journey is uncertain! Friend, you believed in my dream unborn, you’re my hero!

5. A true friend is no other than one who sees your shame and yet promises to keep company with you until your shame turns into praise and honor. Friend, you’re such friend and jealously will I guide you!

6. A friend very bold to defend and a friend so courageous to forge ahead in apparently difficult times is who can actually be called a friend indeed. Indeed you’re a dear friend indeed and in need!

7. A friend ever sincere to let you know your true state and never afraid to tell you to the eyes your misdeeds, is an angel and should be held tight to ones embrace never to let go! You’re a friend of fearless attitude when it comes to making the truth known. I love you!

8. A friend not too concern about lavishing or squandering of wealth should be of far distance not worthy to be in the caliber of friends to rely on or trust! Yours is of big difference! I hail you, friend!

9. A friend that easily identifies with people of low estate is one endowed with meekness! And I’ve found you as one endowed with like-virtue, friend, you’re the best!

10. A friend so generous to the point of giving the last dime is worthy of honour and holding in high esteem! Childhood friend, you’re my savior!

11. A person good enough to sympathize with you and never leave until he sees your pain fizzle out is one worthy of respect and becoming friend with! You’re that special one and I’ll respect you, my childhood friend!
12. A friend so beautiful, and yet identifies with a friend’s mess and accepts insults on behave of a friend is a darling and shouldn’t be taken for granted! Friend, you’re a superstar!

13. Friend who is uncomfortable in your low estate but takes up a low estate to upgrade your estate to a higher one is an anchor! Friend from childhood, you’re my anchor!

14. Friend outstanding to the point of embracing your flaws in public is a lover and may be rare to find!  Childhood Friend, you’re a special breed.

15. Friend wise enough to withstand your foolishness and convince you to see your erring is a custodian of wisdom. Friend, I give it to you!

16. My friendship with you is like that of the small lad on his mom’s breast, carefree and worry-free, proving you’re a true friend of vital importance! 
A billion clap for you, friend

17. It's quite awesome friend; the journey as been so lovely and beautiful with you, times as gone and seasons have overlapped, yet our friendship is still evergreen! The sweet memory we had from childhood kept beckoning and ringing aloud in my inner being calling for jubilation and celebration. Indeed our journey together calls for celebration. So, friend, I'm most honored to be your friend, thank you for being such a unique friend.

18. It's has been beautiful, friend, it has been super-awesome, and incredibly great have I tagged my friendship with you. It isn't an overstatement, for you are a person that has given his life diverse times for me, you're such a one whose heart of sacrifice is second to none, even right from the time we were a step away from adulthood.

19. Awesome friend, you've proven yourself to be a person with a heart of gold, so precious, admiring, and appealing to the core, through your selfless acts. Friend, I love you!

20. Unique and matchless are your ways friend, and exceptional is your friendship towards me, hmmm, friend from the cradle, friend whose union is never of man, I extol you, though you're not God your acts gat me wonder at your wonder that emanated from your wonderful bosom carefully carved out by our wonderful God.....Friend thank you! For words can never be enough to quantify your rare deeds.

21. Thanks for the sweet memories of old, thanks for the gist that can't be told without a gesture of amazement, thanks for the wonderful flow of kindness and meekness, thanks for days in which it's difficult to forgive, but you forgave, thanks for the good virtues and values transferred, I heart you friend, and from the core of my heart I say you're the best!

22. Friend from the days of my youth. Thank you for gluing yourself with me even through thick and thin.

23. I call you beautiful opal! Because you're a person so resilient! You're never weak, nor tired; situations and tough times never get you down, but in your wonder converted them to your motivator. Friend, you're beautifully unique in your ways I bless God really well on your behave, for having you by my side is an automatic assurance that things will be fine, and not only fine but extra beautiful. Thank you so much, friend, in tribulation and in sweetness.

24. A beautiful seat for a beautiful gem! A golden crown for a fellow with a golden heart, an ornamental staff for a king of friends, endow him with splendor and respect, for he deserves it, for he has struck a chord notable in heaven and on earth the home of human, and he is worthy of these things. That's to you, best friend!

25. When I was young, I behave like a child, now I'm mature, I do away with childish things, but not with the sweet memory of our childhood days, they are ever stuck to my brain. Though childish it may be, but of vital importance to me, they refresh my soul, amuses me when alone and inspires me that if this childish friendship can stand and blossom, much more can be achieved at this time, friend, this union is a success, for we'll both supply the nutrients to make it glow even beyond our expectations.

26. From "ages" past have we become 5 and 6, from childhood, has it been difficult to stay a moment without you, I'm so much addicted to you, that I tried all I could do we be in the same class, wear the same dress, shoes, go to the same higher institution, and even marry at the same time. We're such people woven together by God. I took not this for granted, for our friendship has borne a lot of virtues, incredible results, and outstanding values I can't count. Thanks for being a friend to stick to and never weary at any moment, I love you, friend!

27. It's been said that two good heads are better than one! Indisputably, my friendship with you has produced another me in a good way! Right from the genesis of our played out friendship as little kids knowing not right from left, I've never seen any reason to regret, we're just perfect match for one another. Thank you, sweet friend, I pray for more of this to come, even till we bid ourselves goodbye from this planet earth in Jesus name.

28. Friend from childhood, you stood the test of time from the setting of the sun and from its going down, as little you were then, you never act like a child, your behavior is super-mature than your age, you're brave, sound and amazing to crown it all charming in beauty and in act. All these summaries that you've been specially garnished by the wonderful tool of our God at creation. Indeed I love you, and I'll yet love you more!

29. Right from the start, I know beautiful things will come out of our friendship, even when mum doesn't want me close to you, but as little as I was then, I saw what they couldn't see, and thank God they are eyewitnesses of the wonder proceeding from our friendship. Our union as friends as been awesome, thank you for making our friendship produce fruit evident to all.

30. Reliable friend of childhood, whose memory can never be forgotten, your presence brought along things of permanent positive turnaround, you're the one whose company has brought seasons of comfort and pleasantries, friend I own you a pack of thanks!

31. With joy in my heart, as I replay the various experiences we had together as a friend, most times I burst out in laughter in remembrance of our funny behaviors while we were younger. I must confess that it has been fun with you as a friend, you made known unto me the in and out of dignified places I can't dream of, even as young as you were, thank you so much for being such an exceptional friend.

32. Friend, I came to the realization that though you have numerous friends at childhood stage, you'll only be fortunate to have 1 or 2 left around, well, thank God for making you still around me, over the years, though it has been challenging, we overcame, thanks for being with me over the years, you're well appreciated, dear friend.

33. Friend without rival, you're sweet, you have a sweet heart, even right from your tender age! The reality of the saying " 20 friends can't play for 20yrs  became obvious to me, I've indeed counted many of our friends whom we've lost contact, and the likes, but you kept your head high and say no matter what, our friendship together will never be shaken, you've jealously kept our friendship with unbeatable wisdom, thank you so much for putting a lot in this ship of friendship and I say together shall we be forever!

34. Silently, and openly have I wept, my parents were eyewitnesses of this, when I learnt that we'll not be serving in the same environment, I was so sad, that I'll not behold the face of my very best friend from childhood. Friend, I've undoubtedly missed you, well, I know a boundless joy awaits the day we will see again, thanks for all you've done, from your dearly beloved friend.

35. To talk about your endless goodness and care, will take a whole lot of days, and to enumerate your kind acts, days will graduate to weeks, to say you're a friend whose bowel is full of compassion, weeks will be expired and shifted to months. Friend, your kind is rare, your type is of significant value. I'm overwhelmed with lots of untold stories been your childhood friend. You're awesome!

36. Endlessly and tirelessly will I acknowledge you as a rare one graced with ever precious ointment for the healing of wounds, and for the removing of scars, friend you're perfect in this! You're the very one who brought healing to my soul after been wounded fiercely by turbulent instances, your showing up in my scene as young as you were as brought eternal healing unforgettable to my soul. Only God can reward you! Thank you for winning the trophy of best friend from childhood!

37. I've never seen a friend as faithful as this, even from the very beginning of our friendship, yours is a wonder! Friend, your faithfulness as made your name to be written on the golden altar of greatness. Stay faithful friend!

38. It's not by chance nor by might that our friendship is kept to this time, friend from the cradle, right from my very tender age. Well, it isn't surprising! But, friend, it's by your kind and mind-blowing attitude that has kept this union going and I want to appreciate you for this, thanks for accepting me the way I am, thanks for being so special in your ways. Long may our friendship be!

39. What can worth presentable to a friend like mother? What on earth can fit perfectly well to compliment what you've wrought in my life as a friend? Obviously, I'm left with these rhetorical questions to answer. But I hope you're fully rewarded by God for all this your labor upon me as friend. 

40. How awesome it's to be a partner of an amiable childhood friend turned sister! In fact, I'm always astonished at your person, all praise be to God, who in His mercy had made you an embodiment of outstanding nature spelt out beautifully in all aspects of life. You're indeed the best friend and all thanks to you for being the best!

41. I see a wonder, in a wonderland! I see uniqueness in the realm of the unique, I see a friend who's become a wonder in a wonderland and I see a childhood friend unique in the realm of the unique.

42. Ever fresh childhood friend always looking beautiful and radiant, your beauty is like the beauty of the roses in the palace of a king, always trimmed and pruned to produce its beauty to the peak. Friend, thank you for being special and thank you for being so beautiful.

43. Beautiful friend of unrelenting nature of generosity, countless times have you showed up to offer assisting hands to me in my time of need, thank you for allowing yourself so used of the Lord to be a fountain of endless blessings to people in needs, watch out, your deeds will never go unrewarded, just keep being who you are, cheers to a childhood friend.

44. Creative friend from childhood, hmmm, you're creative to the core, your creatively gave room for me being your friend and I've not regretted this, for you're not just creative but also beautiful in heart, you revealed to me what friendship is about and what to expect from it. Thank you so much my creative and beautiful-hearted friend!

45. Hallowed be God who brought you my way!  Thanks to the womb that begot you! And thanks to times and seasons for uniting us together as friends!

46. My mind went back to some good years back, then in school, you labored relentlessly that I could be able to understand mathematics, you gave it all the best you could, and today, it has counted so much in my career! Thank you, my childhood friend, may God reward you!

47. I could remember when, it was very difficult for me to understand easily what was thought in class, that I was always flogged each day at school, you came to me and wiped my tears and grant me the assurance that I can be better, this I believe and positive was the outcome after your gentle admonition, and today I'm ever grateful to God. You were a childhood friend who could see possibility in every matter and you are still a friend of whom there is no impossibility.
48. Beautiful virtues lie in your bowels, friend! Right from your younger age, you've always exhibited this brilliant virtue from your bosom, friend, you're gold rare and expensive!

49. You're a friend I own Outstanding and special thanks, your deeds to me is as that of a Royal Majesty! You treat me with absolute care and plenteous love, thanks a million and one times, sweet friend from scratch!

50. Men and brethren, with great honor and with a heart full of adoration to God, join me as I introduce to you, my amiable childhood friend! Meek and awesome, reliable and faithful, cheerful and hospitable, it's no other person than you, friend, thanks for all you've done for me so far, God bless you big time in Jesus name.

51. Friend, I'll choose you again! If possible the offspring of Adam will replenish the earth again, I wouldn't in any way hesitate to re-choose you as my dear friend, for your deeds supersede human expectation and your kind gesture passes finding out! 

52. You're forgiving and loving to the core, even the one difficult to love; love easily flows out from your bowels. Friend, you're a person whose heart is open to all, either black or white, your heart is so large to accommodate all, and in that, I was privileged to be enlisted as one of your dear friends. Thank you for a large heart to bear and accommodate all.

53. Kindness is your ambassador, meekness is your tool, generosity is your companion, sweet friend, I'm yet to find out that virtue that you lack, You're so endowed with great virtue of uniqueness, I’m proud to be your friend, even right from our tender age, thank you for being so wonderful, thank you for being so unique and thank you for being so faithful!

54. I can't but appraise the almighty God with the appraisal meant for the King of kings, I can't but hallowed His awesome name for this divine connection He did to make us friends of eternal relevance! I might not have gone this far if He hasn't in His timing united us together, all thanks to our God for this wonder! Thanks to you also, friend for staying tuned, though small was our beginning, great shall it yet be because it has been ordained from the beginning.

55. I'm the most excited when I heard you'll be coming over for a visit after so many years of departure, what a joy that floods my soul! What happiness beyond explanation! Wow! ......seriously waiting for a full time of serious discussion and gist. Sweet friend, my heart is seriously panting for that day.....I've missed you, friend!!!!!

56. Oh wow, when I saw your profile picture on social media, I can't but got lost in surprise and great joy! You've so much changed, looking more good and radiant! Quite awesome to see you, friend, I'm so happy! 

57. Wonderful expectation of a wonderful friend, it is a wonderful expectation because a moment with you is like a moment spent with a wise king. Friend, how brilliantly well God has fashioned you! You're whose presence is accompanied by great and significant blissfulness. How blessed the day when we shall see again.

58. Brave and courageous you are friend, your bravery gesture has awarded you crown meant for the calibre of people with a brave and resilient heart! Your courage likewise has enlisted you among men of high estate; you're a special breed friend! And your kind of person is distinct at creation.

59. Oh! If I could forget anything about our friendship, I will never forget your protective heart! You're so protective that you don't care if you're harmed in the process, friend, thank you for this your very good heart of protecting people around. I know you've always been rewarded, and much more shall you be rewarded in Jesus name.

60. At a point, I got lost in the admiration of the beautiful configuration of your excellent nature! Friend, its wow! Knowing that you're so much endowed with awesome quality of excellence is a blessing! Thanks to God for connecting us together! You're indeed the best, my Excellency!

61. I'm so much blessed and greatly honored to be among your herd of birds that flock together! My relationship with you is a type that has yielded beautiful and awesome things in my life as a friend, my company with you right from the beginning as accounted no loss, thank you so much for all you've done. You're indeed a golden vessel!

62. Time will expire and seasons will be erupted to count how much you have wrought into me as a friend from childhood! You've so much been of help for me in numerous ways, I pray God honors and blesses you.

63. Endlessly and memorable is your record of wellbeing and good deeds in my record book! Yeah! I mean record book, for indeed I have a record of those who have in one way or the other sown into my garden. Friend, your good deeds are well remembered all day long in my heart! Thank you so much for all you've done!

64. I couldn't imagine the sadness that flashes through my mind when you're about leaving the country. It was as if a heavy object was laid on me. Though you might not know, I saw you off reluctantly, because I knew a very big part of me is moving away, friend just letting you know that I haven't recovered from missing your presence! I'm missing you so so much, please do come back quickly!

65. I was pained in heart to discover that we don't head together in the same direction anymore! It was a shock to me. But whatever might be the case, we can still make things straight and be together again, we can beckon on the Lord whose bowel is full of mercy and truth to help our weaknesses to forgive and forget and become friend till eternity! So, friend, I'm waiting patiently on we settling our quarrel and be back as friends.

66. You can do it, friend! The race is neither to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but of the Lord that showeth mercy! Don't rid yourself of the opportunity to try again! Gird up yourself, think positively, and believe you can! I believe you can and so, you can!

67. Times without number have I been on an eagle's look to see that you excel in that project! Friend, God be my help, I'll do my best to render the assistance needed, have peace of mind, don't be disturbed let not your heart be troubled, trust God that everything is going to be fine.

68. I don't know why you've forsaken me, I don't know why you've distant yourself from me, friend. I just want to let you know that I still care about you and pray for you each day.

69. I care about you, friend, and I cherish you, though it might not seems so to you, but I do. Let heavens bring good tidings to you, let the field yields a bountiful harvest and the dew in favor of you, thanks for being my friend I cherish you deeply!

70. In absence of any fault, I say you're the best, and if there is any fault, I say you're the sweetest! For in joy or sorrow, in hurt or offense you'll always be my friend, this is my pledge to you my all-time friend.

71. Praise be the Lord for seeing that we become friends by all means! And grateful will I ever be! For in your eyes is full of great compassion and unbeatable care. 

72. I will forever be thankful to God for bringing you my way! For you've ever been a friend rare to find, you've been in many ways awesome in character to me! Your deeds always make me astonished at the kind of creature you are, even in this sinful and corrupt generation! 

73. All thanks to the most high for working His wonder in you! Thanks to Him for making you a divine creature filling the earth with awesome virtue and replicable attributes. You're such a one whose deeds as brought a global change to the entire world. Indeed you're a new breed of Nelson Mandela! Thanks for your commitment to me as a friend and to humanity at large.

74. Time will expire and seasons will never be enough to enumerate your awesome deeds to me. You’ve being someone of perfect nature and beauty. Cheers to more fruitful years of friendship!

75. Quite awesome to discover you’re still a friend very present in times of trouble, you have given your entire being as an offering for humanity despite oppositions from all angle. You’re a very rare breed, friend.

76. Let the wind blow and the sea be troubled and let the moon and the star fail to give light, for in you is enough anchor to stand against the raging storm and in you lies sufficient light to brighten my dark path.

77. Friend trustworthy enough to commit one’s whole life ambition to and have an outstanding result, has left the level of ordinary friend and graduated to an icon of indisputable virtue of a rare breed of God.

78. Fishes may be in want of water in a dry season, but I’ve seen a friend who hasn’t lack any good virtue of excellent worth! Friend, you’re a god not made by human hands!

79. As water is an important substance for staying alive, so, is your friendship with me, so important to do without! Friend, I’ll stick to you, even to the end of time!
80. As Oxygen is a life supplier and life sustainer so is a beautiful friend. Friend, you’re a hero, beautiful you are and awesome you are.

81. In a real friend’s eyes lies beautiful measures of compassion and in his heart is a river measure of absolute kindness. Friend, you’re in whose eyes I found beautiful measures of compassion, and in whose heart I found a river measure of absolute kindness.  Thank you, childhood friend of unique worth!

82. Life without an enemy may be beautiful, but life without a true friend is an unfair challenge! Friend, life without you is incomplete, your coming into my life makes things complete in almost all ways.

83. Life may be a threat if you haven’t walked in, but God made you walked in when all hope was almost gone! I’m grateful, my most precious friend.

84. One hundred and one appreciations could be enough to appreciate a dear one, but one hundred and one thanks is just the beginning of appreciating a true friend like you. Friend, I’ll be eternally grateful for all you’ve done for me!

85. Most adorable friend, in your heart, I see an unrelenting power and an ever rigid ability making you an embodiment of beautiful virtue.

86. Out of many ships, I see in you a sincere one, capable of accommodating my strength and weaknesses.  For in you is found a comfort and a place of absolute love. And I’ll not in any way fail to give kudos to the space I have in your ship of friendship! Friend, thank you for being a love entity!

87. I see hope in your eyes and I got consoled in your persisting strength. Friend, you’re an ever dear breed!

88. Ever since I met you, happiness and joy have made their dwelling place in me, and ever since you got enlisted in my list of friends, life as turned out to be more beautiful!  

89. Friend, I call you a gold digger, so industrious and of a well-determined decision. Even right from childhood, you’unrelenting and so domineering.

90. A true friend is like one’s shadow that the presence becomes obviously known when it becomes dark. They quietly show up in dark and unbearable situations. So are you, friend!

91. Beautiful friends are easily known for their deeds, but are rare to find! Thank God I found you, beautiful friend!

92. You’re an awesomely beautiful friend! For uniqueness is your name and matchless is your worth.

93. Than a man cherishes food and raiment, so should one cherish a friend with inner beauty…and a golden heart! Friend, I cherish you so much!

94. Rare and unbeatable are values of friends who are true in your presence and also in your absence. Friend, you’ve passed all tests and found faithful to me! Friend, you’re a faithful one! 

95. As a wine maketh merry the heart of a man, so does a true friend with dignified qualities. In many ways have you made my heart merry, you’re honey in my tea, friend!

96. A coat of different colors is not enough for a friend with beautiful qualities and a cup of bronze is yet not enough to compensate a friend with an absolutely awesome virtue like yours, sweet friend!

97. A shout of praise and applause of great men for a friend with endowed grace of outstanding virtue. You’re most hailed for whom you are!

98. You’re beautiful in all ways and your superior heart of kindness is second to none, dear childhood friend!

99. Let heavens bring you tidings of wonderful worth as of someone entitled to the award of faithfulness and manifold qualities of sweet deeds! You’re an ambassador of awesome qualities, friend!

100. Like a deer pant for waters and as an heifer desires green pasture so do I pant and desire more sweet communion with a friend so dear and awesome in character like yours, friend

We hope you love the awesomely written piece of “best friend since childhood memory quotes” and in no doubt found the most suitable one out of these beautiful best friend since childhood memory quotes for your most dear friend? We believe you’re really satisfied, we’ll be sincerely grateful if you drop your comments, as this will create a room for improvement. You’re also free to share with anyone. 

Thanks! We love you!


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