Thursday, July 2, 2020

80 Mind-blowing Reminder Messages to Wedding Guest

wedding guest reminder messages

How your wedding will look like is solely determined by your preparation! 
Beautiful wedding events are products of sacrifice and unrelenting efforts! 
And amidst your unrelenting and great preparation, reminder messages to wedding guests lessens the stress of penning down different messages suit enough for different categories of people!

Wedding reminder is one beautiful way to make the day a huge success! 
Wedding guests can be so occupied with different things, yours is to do the needful to keep them reminded!

Therefore, here are lots of wedding reminder messages to guests to keep your event at heart!

Please note, no specific date attached to this piece! Kindly do that to suit your wedding date to keep them reminded!

1. It's my amazing pleasure to remind you of our forth coming wedding feast! We're quite assured that your presence in this feast of love will add an astonishing aroma to this grand feast of love! Thanks for putting everything in order for the success of this celebration of ours!

2. It's our uttermost joy to be aware that you're ever prepared to celebrate with us on our most memorable wedding day, coming up soonest(date)! We love you for all you are to us! Thanks a billion times!

3. Choosing you as our guest is a kind of goodness we have been longing for! Your beautiful ways are second to none! You're our inspiration! Therefore we look forward to your showers of love as we will have your elegant presence in our midst!

4. You're our pride anytime any day! And with beautiful smiles on our faces, as the day approaches, we use this medium to remind you of our wedding day! Thanks to you, as you have us at heart.

5. One love our chief guest speaker! It's just impossible for us fast-forwarding the time for this already chosen day to come quickly! We likewise look up to you, to have us in heart as the day approaches! Thanks for your usual understanding!

6. It's quite beautiful to see you make necessary preparations to having you as one of our guests on our wedding day! We know quite well that you have us at heart! And we know we can't in any measure quantify the blessing that will be ours as you present to us even your able presence!

7. Happy hour, minutes, moments as our wedding approaches! This joy may not be complete if your amiable presence is not shown up on our wedding day! We dearly look up to you! 

8. We are seriously warming up for your absolute grandiose presence in our wedding! We can't afford missing your lovely presence! Thanks for putting everything in place for your appearance!

9. Happy are we to be attached to you! We're so much happy to have you as one of our guests! And we're happily and at the same time eagerly waiting for you to honour our wedding invitation! Thanks for your preparation!!!

10. A sweet presentation of our reminder note for our forth speedy approaching wedding to you! We like you to also note that our love remains undiluted, pure, and hot for you, and dearly we await your coming! Thanks!

11. The best seat for the most noble one! You're our best and you'll ever remain our precious best! With our hands placed facing each other in a pleading gesture, we humbly plead that you should not forget our wedding invitation as our guest! Your presence is most recognized!

12. Hurray! Joy untold visits our heart as we recall you are one of our invited guest! The date is still very much intact, we're in awe expectation of your coming! 

13. Of a truth, you're one of those whose presence worths better than costly array and costliest asset! We love you big time! Don't forget our forthcoming wedding, we know it's going to be glamorous with you! We're seriously waiting for you!

14. With all humility and reverence in our heart we the about to wed couple, wish to remind you of our forth coming wedding ceremony, and we're also glad to inform you that the date still remains ............ We're desperately looking forward to your lovely presence! Thanks for your understanding!!!

15. It's our prayers that your desires be granted and bless you with all blessings! It's a pleasure also to remind you of our soon coming wedding, we love your presence and we can't afford to miss it! 

16. It's always beautiful with you, our honourable guest, and we're already looking forward for your big presence in our wedding! We know you've not forgotten us! Thanks so much!

17. It's our uttermost pleasure to make you know we are preparing big time for you as our guest! Don't forget the date is still intact!

18. We wish to reveal our pleasure to you again for accepting to be our wedding guest, we are ever grateful! And we likewise know we are at the soul core of your heart! Thanks a billion time!!!!!!!!!!

19. Ever since we forwarded our IV to you, my wife to be has always been on my neck for me reminding you, as you're a complete busy type! Our dear guest, pls be reminded that the date still remains and we're earnestly looking for to your coming! Much love, sir!

20. God be with you, our most honoured guest! We're happy to receive your presence this day .......….. on our wedding as our chief guest! We know nothing will hinder you to our wedding feast, thanks so much for your usual understanding!

21. Thank you for not turning our invitation down! We're so much excited to know you'll be one of our wonderful guests! The day approaches soonest, please be reminded!

22. We both whisper into your ears; our wedding is 3 weeks to come, we awesomely await your amiable presence!!!

24. Blissful note to you our most special guest! We're most pleased to remind you of our wedding feast coming up soonest, same time, same venue! 

25. We're celebrating you already, because out of your busy schedules, you measured out time to receive our invitation as our guest and also promised to be there! This only is our joy and much more when we will have your presence in our wedding.

26. We are absolutely glad to remind you of our speedily upcoming wedding feast! The date remains unchanged, we're eagerly waiting for your presence!

27. Patiently we await your coming, most honoured guest! And as our wedding come sooner, we're pleased to remind you of the date again! Thanks for your usual understanding!

28. We love to see your beautiful face as our chief guest! We can't wait to see you in our midst! Your presence is more than a blessing!

29. We're so elated to remind you of our speedy coming wedding, we want to hope you haven't forgotten? We're fully awaiting your beautiful presence!

30. We're happy you will be coming up for our wedding as you've excellently promised! We can't but express our mind that we long for your coming! Thanks for putting us first!

31. We're happy you are our wedding guest! And with so much expectant of your presence, will want to remind you that the day is almost by our side! We love you so much!

32. Singing the song of love already, and I know that on the very big day you will be with us for the celebration of love; we are so much waiting for your unrepresentable presence!

33. Our mind is at peace knowing that you never fail your promise! We so much await your significant presence!

34. We're almost at the "D" day! Please madam, it's our whole pleasure to remind you of the coming ceremony! 

35. Please, be reminded that our wedding comes up very soon, and we'll not be pleased in any way if you miss our wedding! We love you, stay blessed!

36. Happy am I to know you're still very there for this celebration! It's a pleasing fact to have you as our guest speaker! Thanks for putting us first!

37. How we wish the day is tomorrow, but we control our desire for a quick intervention to make the day come soon, for it's actually impossible to turn the hand of the clock! But we're relaxed when we know you will bless us with your presence! We're much happier you are for us! More love to you!

38. How important it is to have a one whose presence supersedes gold or treasured possession! How beautiful it is to have you as the father of the ceremony! We patiently await the day and your elegant showup! 

39. It appears the day is becoming slower and it might have escaped your mind that you're one of our honourable guests! Please, we don't want you to forget, same date, same venue!

40. We in a hopeful expectance fix our eyes on you as the day approaches! We so much believe in you! The date and the venue remain unchanged! Thanks!

41. How we wish we can turn the hands of the clock for a faster day! As the day approaches day by day, we look forward to seeing you in our wedding! Thanks!

42. How we desperately and heartily await your presence! We can't but disclose this to you, that we long your coming, we're so much ready to receive you as our guest!

43. Our hearts secretly cry out in silence in expectant of you! We really hope you will be able to make our wedding! We love you for loving us! Thanks a trillion times!

44. To see you in our wedding will have to be a day we will never forget! We're so much sick of your presence, and we sincerely plead that it shouldn't escape your mind!  Thanks!

45. We wish the day is sooner than ever! Don't forget! The date and venue remains unchanged! We're glad you will definitely make it! 

46. Dear sir, we're so much confident in your promise to have you as one of our guest! And it  pleases us to remain you that the day is just a month to this time! We look forward to having your awesome presence!

47. Knowing you are there for us makes a whole lot to us! Just to remind you of our wedding, coming soonest! We love you dearly!

49. Our heart is always fixed on you from time to time! We can't in any way explain how dear you are to us! Our wedding is few weeks away from now! Thanks for having the best for us!

50. We love your personality and that is one of the reasons we picked you as the father of ceremony! Your presence really counts to us! The day is almost here, and we hope you're making all things work out fine for the day! Thanks a billion times!!!!!

51. We're very appreciative for your support from time to time! Just a note of reminder that the day comes soon! We're glad you have us at heart! 

52. Hurray! The day is almost here! We will be most glad to have you as our chief guest! A shout out of love to you!

53. Happy day, happy season, beautiful day, beautiful blessings! These remains our prayer for you, now and forever as our wedding day draws closer! We sincerely love you! Have a blessed week!

54. We are so much happy you're a woman to look up to with your exceptional lovely nature! And already we are perceiving the sweet aroma your presence will add to our day! One love our best motivator, you're our inspiration!

55. It sound so good on us to remind you of our forth coming wedding! We're already filled with the spirit of this great feast! Your presence is special to us and we can't afford missing it! Love you........

56. Your presence is our honour! And that's while we're forwarding this reminder text as early as possible! We're really in love with your person!

57. It's always an indisputable fact that we find pleasure and sweet joy in your person and we're already drunk with the wine of your love! Our love for you remains unshaken as we remind you of our love day! It's still the same time and the same venue! We actually can't wait to have you! Much love from our side!

58. We want to hope you have a sweet day! Just to remind you of our wedding coming up soonest! You're our number one sweetness! Love you!

59. Just to forward our reminder to you of our wedding! You're so special to us and we love you! Your presence really makes things beautiful! 

60. We're so much glad it's 21days to our wedding! We know you already have us at heart! Love you 100 trillion times!

61. We so much desire your ultimate Presence in our wedding! We pray God keeps you till the day! Thanks so much!

62. We the couple to be, whole heartedly remind you of our soon coming wedding! And we pray in one accord that may every thing be arranged for your good! 

63. What a joy unspeakable seeing the day approaches fast! We look forward for your precious promise! Same day and same venue!

64. We're so much pleased to seeing the day approach sooner! Good to know you'll not let down our desire to seeing you on our day! Much love!

65. Song of love wells from our hearts as the day approaches! Please the day is one month from here! We won't like you to forget! Thanks for your usual understanding!

66. Awesomely and gloriously have we pictured your presence in our forth coming wedding! It only remains three weeks! Happy preparation!

67. We want to see your face! No matter how busy you are, we won't even mind if you will spend just five minutes in our wedding! Ours is just your physical presence! Don't disappoint us!

68. We really want to thank you on how you've been up and doing for the success of this wedding! Still, your presence is Paramount!

69. You're our joy and aspiration! And our occasion will be so graced by your presence! Can't wait to have you for this feast of love!

70. It's obvious the day comes sooner, and it's our pleasure to remind you of this day, the date is unchanged and also the venue remains unchanged!

71. It's going to be beautiful beholding your cute face when I seat as the bride, uncle! I know it won't escape your busy mind! Love you, uncle!

72. Already practising the dancing steps for my wedding, distant aunty! I'm eagerly waiting for you awesome presence!

73. Lovely packed greetings from our side! Just to whisper a sound of reminder to your ears, it's two months here! We're glad you will make it!

74. A shout out of our wedding reminder! It's actually overwhelming to know it's three weeks to this time! 

75. We're so much excited to bring to your awareness again that it just remain two weeks to our wedding, your presence is of high significance!

76. Our joy knows no bound as it remains just four weeks to our wedding! We hope you're going to make it ! Thanks!

77. An awesome thought of you today! We love you, and we love your presence, we are so excited to let you know it's almost here! We can't wait to have you!

78. Can't wait for the day you will be our chief guest! It's becoming more beautiful on you as the day fast approaches! We count on you!

79. We believe it's going to be incredibly wonderful with you on that day of ours! We patiently wait for this grand ceremony! 

80. We're just aware you're there for us! It's beautiful we let you know that our wedding is almost here! Date remains unchanged and likewise the venue!

A reminder message to wedding guest is what your guest needs from time to time! We hope you found help in these!
We will appreciate your comments! Thanks!


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