Monday, September 21, 2020

Super Shoutout Birthday Messages for Momma

Exceptional remains the wonder of a dear mom, and most incredible is her labour! The great worth of a mom cannot be traded with any thing, because they are rightly positioned and jealously should they be treated! Mommas deserve the golden best! And they should never be denied of a beautiful attention!

''Super Shout Out Birthday Messages for Momma'' presents you with various messages to appreciate your momma! Also this awesome piece of incredible shout out birthday messages for momma contains heartfelt words to celebrate her well on her big day!

So, find in this ''Special Shout Out Birthday Messages for Momma'' the right words you would love to forward to your lovely mom!

1. To a mom whose value is far more than silver and gold, happy birthday! Age with more grace and absolute peace of mind.

2. Happy birthday to the best caring mom! So caring to the core. My heart desire as you clock another beautiful age is that your beautiful heart desires are met and your outstanding expectations are shortly manifested. Happy birthday to you once again, mom.

3. Ever since I was born, you’ve in all ways proven you’re an ever shining and golden diadem! Mom, to any one, you may be a rare virtue, but to me, you’re such an outstanding and ever rare to find dignified one! Mom, I love you, happy birthday age beautifully!

4. It’s an absolute rare honor to have a mother of lovely and rare beautiful virtue! Mom, I’m so much blessed to be called your son/daughter! Thank you so much mom for all you’ve done and what you’re to me. And on your birthday, wishing you live long to reap your selfless efforts on your dear children, happy birthday mom of rare and beautiful virtue!

5. When I was weak and down, you’re there for me, through fierce situations you doubled the fire on your alter of prayer, just for me, when it’s difficult to feed you gave your meal for my sake! When there was no cloth to wear, you sold your own to see I’m clothed! What can be much more praise worthy than this, mom? How on earth can I compensate your golden deeds to me, mom? On your birthday, I wish you the blessings carefully reserved for a savior in disguise like you, mom! Age beautifully in absolute sound health! Happy birthday, mom!

6. A mother, like a darling, a mother like a friend and a mother like a lover! Indeed, your worth exceeds the worth of the queen of Sheba, your worth exceeds that of the royal majesty in his magnified palace! Thanks, mom for all you’ve done, happy birthday, age in abundance of grace and favour.

7. “Iya ni iya mi, iya o ni  iya mi, iya o iya mi! Yes, indeed you’re a mother! For so well and good you’ve diligently carried out your duty on us as your children, and you’re indisputably among the blessed qualified for the golden award of those who stroked the cord of been a mother indeed! ” Iya olorire”, you’re the best, and forever you’ll be! Happy birthday, from all of us!

8.  Mom, I really appreciate your relentless effort on me, each day of my life! Thank you so much for devoting precious and tangible time to see to my uttermost wellbeing! Happy birthday to you, ma, age abundantly.

9. How grateful and joyous I am to be birthed by you, mom! Super mom! You’re exceeding more than the best! Thank you for your love and care over me and my young ones! Happy birthday, age with unending blessings of the heavenly.

10. When I think of all your awesome deeds to me, mom, I can’t help than to be completely overwhelmed by this! Mom, you’re my God sent angel! Happy birthday to you, mom!

11.  Mom, you’re more than 10,000 worth of people to me! Your absence, of which I have no choice to stay away from is of great importance to me, mom, I’ve so much missed you in so many ways! But one condolence I have right now, is that today is your birthday. And mom, I’m using this privilege to wish you a bountiful birthday and a grand style celebration! Happy birthday, sweetest mom!

12. What can I say to God for sparing your life, mom! Indeed, it’s God all the way! I’m so much happy for you, mom, on this day of yours! Happy birthday, may your years on earth be much more blessed than the previous years. 

13. To a mother so patient, committed, caring, loving and ever zealous of good works, I heartily hail you! Thank you so much for being a wonderful mother! Happy birthday, age with outstanding riches, ma, long life and more prosperity!

14. Hurray, a shout of joy to a blessed mom, I wouldn’t in any way be able to count your immense deeds to us, you’re a wonderful breed mom. Happy birthday, more of this in multiple and extraordinary blessings.

15. Happy birthday to a mother whose bosom is full of mercies and compassion to all! Just trusting God to pick up more of this your beautiful virtue, for I indeed envy them. Happy birthday, sweet mother, and you shall be stronger, healthier and richer than ever before, age gracefully, mom!

16. Your kind worth celebrating, mom! You’re blessed mom, even as you celebrate your birthday today! Happy birthday to you, mom!

17. With an echo of praise, I say a big thank you to you, most lovely mom! Thank you for being a wonderful mom to your children and every member of the family! Happy birthday to you, mom!

18. Sweet mother, I will never forget you! And if peradventure I’m so beclouded in my eyes and tend to forget your sufferings on me, let my right hand forget it use so I can quickly come back to my senses that I’ve erred. As I have said, mom, I’ll never forget you, I will cherish you even till the end of my life! Happy birthday my one and only lovely mom.

19. A bright day begot the celebration of a very rare precious mom! Mom, as you are a year older, may more peace, joy and comfort come your way. Happy birthday most favoured mom!

20. Mom, your lovely gestures quickly remind me of your special day……...happy birthday most special mom, enjoy more of this in a very sound health.

21. It’s a lovely fact to know that a spectacular and a rare gem is born to today! And for this, I echo a well resounding happy birthday to the most amiable mom on earth, once again, mom, happy birthday!

22. Joy and peace untold welled up from my belly when I come to the remembrance of your day, mom! I’m so much happy that it’s your day and you’re alive to witness it with all your children! All thanks to God! Happy birthday, mom, wishing  you awesome and incredible celebration, age beautifully, mom! Congratulations!

23. What a blessing unmerited to be part of your beautiful children! For it’s only a beautiful mom that can begat beautiful children! I’m so much blessed and happy about this, mom! Happy birthday, God bless your new age with more beautiful and pleasant things. Age beautifully, mom!

24. Momma momma mommaaa momma! Oh you’re beautiful, no idol like a mother! Awesome in act and beautiful at heart! None can ever be compared to you, mom! Happy birthday, dearest mom, age with so great grace.

25. What more can I say to God than to say He’s great. For bestowing on me much favour to have a mother like you, mom! Thanks to you mummy for being extraordinary caring and loving! Happy birthday to you, momma! Age prosperously!

26. When I look back and see my mother, gratitude fills my heart! She’s so precious to my heart, mom, happy birthday, age in abundance of joy and fulfilment.

27. I’m a happy one, momma for the kind of person you’re! Thanks for being so so special, mom! I love you, happy birthday wish you many more in sound health.

28. Mama, you’re the most loved, for your suffering that I should become someone important is not something to be ignored. I so much appreciate you, mama, God bless you and happy birthday to you!

29. Happy birthday to my dad’s woman and my first lover. Mom, you surprised me in all ways and on this day, I’m bringing you my heartfelt wish. Happy birthday, momma, wishing you more beautiful things of life!

30. You’re extraordinarily beautiful, momma! Thank you, dad for choosing a very beautiful woman and not only outward beauty, but in all ways. Mummy, thanks for being beautiful! Happy birthday, more happy moment to come.

31. Let the bliss of heaven be upon the one who birthed me, let the blessings meant for her never elude her, for indeed, she’s a blessed one! Happy birthday, momma, God bless your new age!

32. Congratulations, mom on your great day! Happy birthday to you! And many happy returns of the day!

33. Happy birthday to a blessed mom! Age with abundance of peace, love and joy!

34. Joy to the world, for my mom is born, let the earth rejoice and let all join me wish her well! Mom, happy birthday, age with more grace!

35. It wasn’t a mistake that I am your son/daughter! For everything has perfectly been orchestrated by our God. Mom, whatever it may be, I’ll love and cherish! Happy birthday, my joy!

36. In riches and wealth, you’re the best mom, in lack and want, you’re the best of the best to me, mom! In any condition, I’ll always love and revere you has the most important person in my life after God. Mom of all season, happy birthday to you, bountiful and beautiful shall be your harvest in due season!

37. Great mom of all time! Welcome to another beautiful season of a new age! Long shall you live and in peace and wellness shall you reap the fruit of your labor! Happy birthday, our best!

38. To the most excellent mom, you’re an icon of irreplaceable order! Thanks for being the most awesome and lovely mom! We love you, happy birthday to you! Age beautifully in abundant grace!

39. Adorable and most incredible mom of the year! Your lifestyle is that which brings smile on our faces! Thank you, mom for all you’ve done for us, in a million fold, we appreciate your deed! Happy birthday to you and many more years in good health!

40. Time and seasons will pass, but your lovely and caring heart will never be forgotten, mom! Thank God it’s your birthday! All I pray for is a multiple portion of great riches in all ramification of life. Sweet mom, happy birthday to you!

41. How do I count your lovely deeds towards me, mom? It’s apparently too numerous to count. Is it that of my early childhood, or late childhood to this present stage I’ll count? Oh! Wonderful mom, all thanks to you for all you’ve done for me! And from the very depth of my heart, I wish you a very glamorous type of birthday, may you live long to see your great grandchildren!

42. Happy birthday to a lover of peace and a promoter of excellent virtue! Mom, how excellent and beautiful are your feet, because you’re a publisher of peace and all good tidings. Thank you, mom for being a peaceful woman of wish I jealously appreciate! Thank you, mom for being such a wonderful woman to the entire household! Happy birthday to you and God bless your day.

43. It’s a privilege, in fact a rare one to have a mom of reputable attributes! I’m so much blessed to be part of the tender shoot that germinated from your cultured bosom! Mom, a million accolades will yet be insufficient to commend your outstanding nature! Mom, you're a significant ray of light in every dark situation! How many will I mention! Mom, you’re a dignified one worthy of honor and immense praise! Happy birthday to a dignitary mom!

44. Words will forever be insufficient and inaccurate to tell of your wonder as a mom! Hmmmm, mom of qualities that will forever make one get lost in admiration and complete awe! Most beautiful are your ways, mom! I’ll never in any time hesitate to choose you as my mom, if nature permits! Happy birthday, my mom!

45. Let the day be bright and the sky be clear, for the day speaks of a golden one almost in the blue moon, rare to find! Like rainbow in the sky and an arrow in the quiver so you’re to me, beautiful and defensive! The day speaks about your gentle and imitable nature, lovely and caring disposition and so many more! Beautiful mom, happy birthday, age gloriously!

46. Thanks to creator for connecting me to a very dear one! Mom, you’re precious than precious, and more beautiful than beauty itself! For true beauty does not comprise of a pointed nose and a round shaped face, but real beauty lies in the core of the heart! To the best mom, beautiful than beauty, happy birthday! Age abundantly.

47. What a great joy that flood my heart when I came to realize it’s your day! Period of tireless sacrifice, moments of sleepless nights, seasons of dancing without a piece of drum, moment of laughing at the same time crying, moment of despair and heavy sighs, all because of me, flashed through my little piece of mind as I remember your day. It’s a thing worth celebrating to know that all is gone for some years back now! Mom, I’m happy for you! With a beautiful and brilliant smile on my face, I wish you a happy birthday! May the good lord still spare your dear life to witness more in good health!

48. Your love kept me, mom! Even much more the love of God our father! If not for the love of a dear mom on her babe, in conjunction with the dear love of our creator, predators would have ravaged me!  Thank you, mom for your sacrificial love, happy birthday, mom!

49. Happy birthday mom of no rival! Rival in the sense that no one has similar quality or distinction you possess! Happy birthday to my goddess, age awesomely, mom!

50. Happy birthday to my royal jewel, thank you, mom for inculcating in me morals and great discipline, wishing you a blissful and a memorable celebration!

51. Mom, I want to make this confession, that I look exactly like you almost in all ways, of which I’m so much proud of! Mom, you’re a mystery I’m yet to completely unravel! Thank you so much, mom for being who you are and training me likewise to have a beautiful virtue. Happy birthday, world best mom!

52. Mom, a surprise for you! Close your eyes and open it, you closed your eyes to death of any of your children and all misfortunes and you opened your eyes to all beautiful and precious things of life, happy birthday, incredible mom!

53. Happy birthday, my number 1 love! Yes, mom, you’re a lover and you’ve definitely propagated this uniqueness in me! Happy birthday to you, mom!

54. Maw, it’s absolutely exciting to know that year after year, you kept getting younger than your age. When I behold you and see a beautiful radiant face and a beautiful sparkling set of tooth, I couldn’t help but lost in admiration! Maw, so excited that you’re my mom and still alive! Happy birthday to you, maw age brilliantly!

55. It will be a mirage to say you’re getting old, momma! For you’re ever smart and agile, intelligent and lively! Mom, how I which I’ll take over this your beautiful nature! For I’ve falling in love with this beautiful stature of yours. Happy birthday, my ever young momma!

56. Happy birthday to a promising mom, wish you the best celebration ever!

57. Fascinating and amazingly social mom, happy birthday, age with awesome and unbeatable success.

58. Happy birthday most reliable mom, this is just the starting point of greatness for you and papa! Happy birthday.

59. Happy birthday to our ever young and fresh looking mom! Age in abundant prosperity!

60. Happy birthday to my ever lively mom, wish you more on the surface of mother earth!

61. Happy birthday to my funny but awesome mom, wish you more years to come in more beautiful condition.

62. Happy birthday to the strongest woman on earth, I’m happy to be your amazing child, wish you more in absolutely sound health.

63. Happy birthday to my teacher, nurse, cook, disciplinarian and my model, wish you more in perfect health.

64. Happy birthday to my motivator and my cheerer! Wish you all the good things that life has to offer.

65. Happy birthday ever special mom, wish you a grand style celebration.

66. Happy birthday our queen Elizabeth, wish you most blessed and fulfilling things of life.

67. Happy birthday most precious jewel, age with so much grace, mom. 

68.   Happy birthday my inspiration, wish you more of heaven’s bliss, mom!

69.   Happy birthday most intelligent mom, wish you more in a beautiful sound health!

70. Happy birthday to the most palatable cooking mom, age awesomely!

We hope you found the best in this beautiful shout out birthday messages for momma! Love the above write-up? Or have any comment? you can notify using the comment box! Thank you!



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