Tuesday, February 23, 2021

50 Lovely Good Morning Inspirational Quotes (2021)


good morning inspirational quotes

Most times, motivation is key! And inspirational words is of vital importance in the journey of life! These awesome good morning inspirational quotes provide you with beautiful and incredible quotes for encouragement, progress, promotion, courage, strength, focus, caution, and determination!

 Good morning friend, it’s a brand new day! A day to make more opportunities find meaningful expression! Time waits nobody! Good morning!

2.       It’s a beautiful morning cute one! Be inspired for nothing but excellence! GOOD MORNING AND HAVE A LOVELY DAY!

3.       It’s a bright sunny day already, friend! Don’t forget to start with a beautiful smile, because new hope is restored with just a smile! Good morning, and have a beautiful day ahead!

good morning inspirational quotes


4.       Don’t forget to face your fears as they come, because fear is a deceit, it can rob you of greater chances for greater heights! No place for the fearful! GOOD MORNING!

good morning inspirational quotes

5.       Welcome to a day for the tough ones! Yeah, you’re not a coward friend, you’re meant to conquer nations! Good morning as you conquer!

6.       Procrastination is the food of the poor! It’s a thief of time! Don’t be caught in its web, friend! Good morning!

good morning inspirational quotes

7.       Don’t give irrelevant time for things relevant, rather give tangible time for relevant things! Good morning!

good morning inspirational quotes

8.       Slow and steady may never win the race where there is fast and consistent! Wisdom is profitable in all things friend, apply your heart to wisdom! Good morning!

good morning inspirational quotes

9.       Don’t be carried away by mere shadow, it can appear real, but it isn’t! When you’ve not got a tangible opportunity, don’t throw away the former! Good morning!

10.   Don’t get carried away by the applauds of the crowd, and lose concentration on the finishing line, for until you hit the finishing line, you’re not the winner! Be careful, don’t allow the praises of men sway you! Good morning!

good morning inspirational quotes

11.   At times, the more you make people around you beautiful, the more beautiful you become! What goes around comes around! Good morning, buddy!

good morning inspirational quotes

12.   At times when you think you’re alone, and you are about throwing up the trowel, may be the test of your perseverance, and great door of beautiful opportunity may be ready to swing open! Don’t give up, until the heavens and the earth is no more! Good morning!

13.   Keep trying when the going is tough! And never be too busy to ask for counsel from as many people as you can, for in the multitude of counsel there is safety! Good morning, friend!

14.   Never despise the day of small beginning, and never settle there, for you’re not meant to be little! Good morning, best of friend!

15.   Never eat your seed with your bread, for when the time to sow comes, you will have nothing to sow! Spend wisely! Good morning, dear!

good morning inspirational quotes

16.   Don’t expect reward from someone you help, because you may get hurt if he/she doesn’t!  Good morning, buddy!

good morning inspirational quotes

17.   Don’t be quick to be independent without the staminal for it, and don’t ever stay dependent, you can be dependent only when you’ve learnt enough from those who’ve gone ahead of you! Good morning, lovely one!

good morning inspirational quotes

18.   The road to the top is not always straight and easy, it takes tough minds to mount the hill of greatness and survived in success, be determined with positive, and strong mind set! Good morning, good friend!

19.   It’s not too late to gather enough momentum for another round of journey to success! All you have to do is to trust you can and give your very best! Good morning, dear!

20.   Never be too quick to assume you can eat your cake and have it! Take a reasonable thought before you take a deadly step! Look before you leap! Good morning!

21.   Don’t assume you know the cost before counting the cost! Adequate findings, research will save you from unnecessary pain and regret! Good morning, loved one!

22.   Irrespective of the number of times you’ve tried doing a thing, don’t stop trying unless you’re short of new ideas! Keep modifying your passion and your unfruitful work! Good morning!

23.   The most tiresome, and wearisome thing for a hardworking man is to stay idle, don’t be idle, for a little sleep, a little folding of hands leads to poverty! Good morning!

24.    Don’t ever belittle yourself, have you ever thought of this, that you’re not made by a little god! It’ll be a great mistake to belittle yourself! Good morning!

25.   A blind friend of mine said in response of the question I asked him, he said ‘’ am I not fulfilled as I am? ’’ Imagine one that cannot see at all! He never allow his situation qualify him as a failure! You have to train your eyes to see opportunities where they hide irrespective of any predicament or challenge! Good morning!

26.   You don’t have to settle for the less, yet, don’t despise the less, but with the less aspire for greater opportunities! Good morning, special one!

27.   Make provision for the dry season when it’s yet raining, don’t be too comfortable with what you have at hand and never to invest in another thing that can later be your saviour in the time of need! Good morning, buddy!

28.   It may be painful sowing, but time of refreshing awaits you after your hard labour! Good morning buddy!

29.   Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! Enough of your weeping try something new that will bring joy in the morning! Good morning!

30.   The wages of hard work should not be poverty! When this is the case, revisit the foundation, or restructure your golden idea! Good morning!

31.   Do not be caught in the web of sluggard friend, but make a sluggard friend caught in your hard work, by that, you’re restructuring a sluggard soul! Always make positive impacts! Good morning!

32.   Don’t be busy doing nothing, because it’s only nothing that will be made of you over time! Good morning!

33.   Count yourself opportune in any circumstance, for you are better than hundreds of thousand out there! Good morning!

34.   Always be inspired by positive adventures! Negative thoughts have no any good in stuck for you! Good morning!

35.   A calm mind could be more productive than an anxious soul! Don’t let anxiety ride you, rather, ride it until you become its champion! Good morning!

36.   Don’t be a stagnant water, never improving in any good thing, develop yourself at all positive cost! Good morning!

37.   Never be hasty in making some sensitive decisions, give it enough time! Good morning!

38.   Don’t over work yourself, most engines knock down with overwork and inadequate maintenance! Work, eat well, and rest well! Good morning!

39.   Don’t be handcuffed by failed opportunities, and giving no attention to any other! Remember, when a good one comes it will never come with a different look! Good morning!

40.   The response you give to idleness determines if it’ll be your friend or your enemy, if you welcome it, it spreads its tentacles to breed poverty, irresponsibleness! Good morning!

41.   Don’t waste enough time on what is not productive, yet, be sure you’re not doing it the wrong way! Good morning!

42.   At times self-encouragement will be all you need to carry on when nobody seems to understand you! Don’t be pushed off by people’s discouragement! Good morning!

43.   Never compromise when people don’t dance to your tune, when you know are doing the right thing! Good morning!

44.   Half they say is better than none! Stick to that which seems little in the eyes of those who can’t see the end of what will latter become big, little drops of water makes a mighty ocean! Good morning!

45.   Never be intimidated by the achievement of some, for intimidation may breed anxiety and this will reduce your productivity! Good morning!

46.    ‘’A stitch in time’’ they say, it saves nine! Don’t waste time on what needs immediate effect! Good morning!

47.   Always see through the mirror of responsible elders, for through their eyes, you may never make costly mistakes! Good morning!

48.   Be ever ready to learn even from a suckling child, if you really want to be wise and productive! Good morning!

49.   Be decisive, be courageous, be brave, be honest, and be wise in all things! Good morning!

50.   Never be too weak to decide what is best good for you, only the best can be good for a best friend like you! Good morning!




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