Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Best Teacher's End of Term Remarks for Pupils/Student Results


Giving a suitable remark on pupil’s performance is of high importance, and great relevance! As a competent and super-excellent teacher, one of your duties is ensuring the best comes out of your student/pupil, therefore end of term remarks go a long way in restructuring the mind of a student/pupil and at the same time, enabling parents give their children the most needful assistance where needed.

Therefore, this incredible teacher’s end of term remark for pupil’s result is made available in a simple, nice and straight to point format to enable you give the best remark for your student or pupil!

Likewise in this awesome teacher’s end of term remarks for pupil/ student results includes teacher’s comments on student/pupil’s performance in Literacy and Arithmetic! In addition, name of choice is used here, therefore it’s advised that you don’t forget to interchange the names used here to your own student/pupil’s name!




A beautiful result! You can work harder to make it more beautiful! 

Brilliant result! Keep lifting high the banner of excellence!

Outstanding result! Keep on racing till you're at the peak of excellence.

Awesomely beautiful result! Never relent!

Best result ever! Accolades to you! Keep it up!

Most excellent result! Keep the flag flying!

Most intelligent output! Your effort is commendable!

Intelligent output, race more for the most intelligent one!

Ever green excellent result! Maintain your pace!

Great product of hard work! Astonishing result!

You broke the myth! Excellently beautiful result ever for many years back!

Absolutely brilliant result! Looking forward to a more excellent one!

Bravo! Beautiful result! Keep being the best!

Undeniable excellence! I drop my cap to the upcoming renounced leader!

Adorable result, keep being the best!

A mind blowing result! You're a superstar!

Most acknowledged result! Keep the ball rolling!

Super excellent result! Greater performance lies in wait for you!

Undoubtedly the best, keep it up!

Giant performance! A thumb up for you!

Ever beautiful result! Keep being intellectually beautiful!

A rare royal result! Keep promoting the good works!

A champion type result! Keep racing to an icon!

Exceptional result! Keep being exceptionally brilliant!

Top best result! Keep mounting the ladder of unsurmountable excellence!

Solomon-like wisdom! Beautiful result! Keep the ball rolling!

Super incredible performance! Be a constant winner!

Exemplary result! Your juniors are watching, keep being the best!

Average performance, yet you can be the best with a hard work! See you on top next term!

Slightly above average result, you can fire up to the top with more effort!

Surprising performance! You can do much better, don't relent!

Good performance! "A good" is not enough, want to see you perform much more better!

More encouraging result, yet, more is required of you!

Gifted hands! You can make it to the top. Keep pressing high!

Alarming! You're much more better! Increase your speed, for more lies in wait for you!

A genius performance! Never relent!

Highly exceptional result, yet, you can be much more better!

A golden result! You can have a diamond one!

A super golden result! Never relent!

Super great performance! Keep the light shining!

A professional result! Come more being professional!

Extra great performance! Keep the flag flying!

A very good result! Never relent!

Appealing result! Keep the good works on!

Star type performance! Keep embracing excellence!

A brave performance! Never relent!

A grandeur performance! Applause to you! Never relent!

A much better result! Work harder next term!

A profound scholar! Great result! Keep the flag flying!

Great Shake Spare of our time! Most excellent performance, keep it up!


Teacher’s Comment on Student’s Performance

Jark, you have a beautiful performance, but nonetheless, you’ve to work harder on your arithmetic.

Boman is now better in literature, but she still need working on her arithmetic

Jups is much more better in English language, but needs to improve on mathematics

Gopen is brilliant in phonics, but a bit weak in calculations, however, he’s advised to revise his note often during the holiday.

Kath is brilliant at English, but slightly down in calculations, however, she needs special assistance at home for a beautiful output.

Dickson is very smart at literature, but finds uninteresting calculations, why different strategies has being carried out and he’s gradually improving. My advice is, during the holiday, he should be further guided and helped in his weak subject!

Aveir is quite good at spellings and pronunciations, but he needs to improve on arithmetic.

Johnny loves English, but finds it difficult to comprehend mathematics, but now he’s better, however, further effort is needed to make the effort made in school ultimately profitable.

Rolman is accurate at reading but knows less in arithmetic! He’s advised to sit tight with his book this holiday to have a better performance.

Evlin is absolutely good in English language but weak at mathematics, adequate measure should be taken this holiday to make her come better!

Teacher’s Comment on English
My boy has immensely improved! But needs to improve more on spellings and pronunciation, however, he’s advice to pay more attention to spellings and pronunciation in the forth coming holiday.

Benny has improved greatly this term, nevertheless, there are lapses in her pronunciation, she’s advised to spend more time reading novels and other interesting articles this coming holiday.

Lovely result! However, some positive measures has to be taking on her improving in spellings and pronunciations!

Stevenson has a better performance this term, nonetheless, he needs to improve in Literacy.

Tonny comes up better this time, effort acknowledged! However, good measures should be taken this holiday on his reading ability.

Kensonny is very much better this term, however, he’s advised to put more effort in English language this holiday.

Better performance, Ronny, yet, you have to come up better in pronunciation, so stay tuned to your books this holiday.

Shobsy has now impressed me in all subject, except literacy, much effort has to be taken for better performance!

Incredible, stove! Your result is much better than last session! However, you have literacy to tackle for your result to come best!

You’ve done a much better work on your performance! But ye need to work more hard on your pronunciation!


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