Friday, August 7, 2020

Beautiful Prayers and Wishes for Friend's Birthday

Do you want to make your friend's birthday a promising and fulfilled one? Are you craving for a birthday message seasoned with prayers for your dear friend? 

Here you are! For within these incredible prayers and wishes for friends birthday consists all you need to make your friend's day a glorious and a beautiful one!

1. wonderful friend deserves a wonderful and glamorous super-celebration! Therefore, I present to you my heartfelt wishes, that your day be awesomely beautiful and you have a day full of joy unspeakable.

2. The "D" day is here! A day long waited for! Blessed be the day you were formed, friend, blessed is the hand that carries you, and blessed is the milk you suck. I'm so elated celebrating your birthday with you! What else can I wish you that all things beautiful and awesome in their real state! Love you, friend! Happy birthday to you!

3. Blessed are you  when thou cometh in and blessed you are when thou goeth out, for God hath made you a fountain of abundant blessing. And as you celebrate your day, may your purpose on earth be more actualize, and may nations rise for your sake.

3. I was the most excited when I heard that today is your day and I'm still very much excited! A babe was born sometimes ago and the babe has produced a salt of the nation! Tender were you in your mother's womb, may you grow as a tender shoot developing into an irresistible being. May you be unstoppable in the pursuit of excellence and may great be your offspring that will replicate you and your work!

4. There was a wonderful expression of awesomeness in my bowels on knowing that it is your day! A day in which a peculiar being was born! A day difficult for the forces in the womb to withhold! A day orchestrated for the delivery of excellence! All hail the excellent one on his birthday!......wishing you a day full of incredible surprises. Happy birthday!

5. You are special and you ought to be given a special honour even on your day! Happiness unending, joy unspeakable, love untold and blessings inheritable are my wishes for you on your special day! Happy birthday and happy many returns of the day!

6. Day after day I kept pondering on how to best wish you well on your day, it's a day most unique and beautiful! A day cute enough to begat a very cute one, a day so close to becoming an evil day but transformed miraculously to a joyous and significant day so special in all you came out triumphantly in your mum's womb, so shall you triumphantly do greater exploit of matchless worth. Friend, happy birthday to you!

7. I borrow the sweet melodies of beautiful creatures and the sweet sounds made by angels in their most joyful estate to wish you an outstanding one, a rare beautiful birthday! May each day of the new year brings to you beautiful tidings of outstanding worth! Happy birthday sweet friend!Love you loads!

8. A birthday of positive memories, a birthday full of mother's beautiful prayer, and a birthday full of angel's visit are my heartfelt wishes for you on your most special day!  Happy birthday!

9. Let the earth rejoice and all nations be glad, for the descendant of David has greatly been favoured! For it pleases the most high God to bring you forth from your mother's womb and today marks the remembrance. May God who has kept you keeps keeping you, may more men favour you and may women never be absent to grant you help. Happy birthday to you!

10. My desire as you celebrate your day is that your day be crowned with abundance of divine and awesome surprises! Happy birthday to you!

11. Happy birthday to a lovely friend, wish you a beautiful year of abundant blessings. You shall age beautifully and gloriously in Jesus name.

12. Beautiful friend of kind and godly attitude! Gracefully shall you grow and great shall be the fruit of thy womb in Jesus mighty name!

13. May you be enlarged in coast as you add a year to your years on earth, may beautiful things of great relevance be added to your dear and precious life in Jesus name!

14. On your day, I wish you all that your heart craves for and all that is yet to be seen as need by you in Jesus name. Happy many returns of the day, my sweet and ever cute friend.

15. It's my greatest desire that you'll excel in strength, wisdom, and riches as the day dawn, signifying an entirely new day of outstanding fruitfulness. Happy blessed birthday!

16. Unique you are my very best friend enviable amidst young and old! Small it might seem your beginning but great shall yet be the end in Jesus name! Happy birthday incredible breed of God!

17. This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it! I'm heartily glad in it friend, it's been an awesome journey all the way, and yet more awesome shall it be as you celebrate your birthday today, wish you breakthrough and divine riches of glorious things! Happy birthday long life in prosperity!

18. How possible it is for me to enumerate your kind and generous deeds towards me, you're such a person whose lifestyle has been a wonder on the surface of the earth, your life as be an example of watchword for those coming after you, you're such a ray of glory brilliantly shining on everyone that come across you. On your birthday, I wish you heaven's bliss, showers of bountiful harvest, close encounter with God and many more good tidings associated with the day. Happy birthday, abundant life in abundance of peace in Jesus name amen.

19. Compassionate best friend, ever-loving to the core! Hospitable and cheerful! It's your day! Hmmm, day of wonder and bliss! Friend God has made your day a blessing already because your deeds has come up to Him, He's pronounced His blessing upon you because your way of life has totally defined whom you are and you're found faithful to the most high God, God will yet bless you until you have no more space to accommodate more. Thank you for being awesome in His way! Happy birthday, age beautifully.

20. Faithful is our God! He has been so faithful right from when you were in the womb and up till now, He hasn't changed! I glorify His name for making it possible for you to see another birthday, all thanks to His name! And on your day, I wish you abundant prosperity, long life in good health and a beautiful home in future. Happy birthday to you! 

21. The father has in His beauty beautify your life with abundance of grace, He has in His greatness made you a rare version of uniqueness! All thanks to our God, Friend, on your special day I felicitate with you! May awesome tidings of good memory come your way even as you are a year older.

22. It is a privilege, even a rare one, to witness another year of birth, so friend I congratulate you! Keep triumphing in this rare wonder of God! Happy birthday!

23. Having been with you for some years, I was able to discover some facts about you, you're loving, caring, hospitable, generous, kind, awesome, friendly and above all tender and meek! On your day, I pray that your unique acts make way for you and may you be endowed with more good virtue of significant relevance! Happy birthday!

24. Joy unending and peace beyond human understanding shall you know friend, as you celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday to you!

25. Cheers to more fruitful years friend! Cheers to more awesome experiences of eternal relevance! Cheers to a life of wellness and bountiful harvest! Happy birthday, friend!

26. Great shall you be friend, and greater shall be your offspring, as you celebrate your day, may beautiful things never elude you and may joy unspeakable never depart from you. Happy birthday!

26. Happy birthday to an amiable and ever loving friend, may your day brings to you happiness, peace, joy and awesome satisfaction of divine blessedness. Happy birthday to you once again!

28. May your day be blessed! May the brightness of a sunny new day bring forth a brighter future for you! May the beauty of the moon cause your way to be void of darkness as you celebrate your birthday! Happy birthday, awesome friend!

29. Happy birthday to a special icon! An indisputable invaluable being created for honor and dignity! Long may you live and eternal shall be your honor and recognition! Happy birthday rare one!

30. A birthday full of beautiful surprises and awesome experiences are my wishes for you on your special day! Happy birthday, and cheers to more fulfilling years! 

31. You're a wonderful breed of God friend! And on your birthday, I wish you the blessings of the Almighty God, may you be blessed until it is evident that many generations after you fills your impact! I love you, friend! Happy birthday to you!

32. I'm so blessed to be one of your friends! For you're like the brightness of the sun shining brightly on every one you come in contact with! I love your grace, friend! And on your day, I wish you more grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! May your path shines brighter and brighter in Jesus name! Happy birthday, sweetest friend!

33. It's been beautiful with you, friend! Your ways of life worth emulating, you are a darling, friend! Happy birthday to you, wish you many more in the ultimate love and peace of God!

34. Knowing you has incredibly turns out to be immense blessing, your type is so rare, friend! Thanks for being so wonderful and admiring! On your day, I wish you endless peace and joy, may your ways be kept in all aspect! Happy birthday!

35. The most beautiful hearted person I've ever met is you, friend! So beautiful at heart! I love your ways and your life, cool and peaceful! On your day, may you experience more of divine transformation, may the light of God shines brighter on you! Happy birthday, lovely friend!

36. My most excellent friend! How awesome and beautiful the Lord has crafted you! You are so full of excellence! I love you, and I love your day! May the new entrance to a new year, ushers you into all divine and incredible things! Happy birthday, awesome friend!

36. Welcome to a new year of beautiful, golden opportunity!   Go and do well friend, for God has ordained it. Happy birthday, best of friends!

37. My ever best friend in which my soul finds solace and satisfaction! Congratulations on your beautiful day, may more beauty be added to you as you age! Happy Birthday, dearest friend!

38. My ever faithful and sweet hearted friend! May all things beautiful find their expression in you, my you be clothed with beauty and honour! Happy birthday, great friend!

39. I admire every thing about you, dear friend, continue to enjoy the goodness and favour of the Lord! Happy birthday, age beautifully!

40. What on earth can be compared with the beauty I found in you as a friend, numerous and precious opportunities have found their expression in me since I met you! You are a huge blessing, friend! Happy birthday to you, age according to the divine will of the Lord! CHEERS!!!

41. My sorrow turned out to be awesome joy immediately I met! You are a good rare one, friend! I'm so happy I met you, happy birthday ever sweet friend!

42. You are precious in all ways friend! Thanks for being a precious jewel, friend! It's my prayer that as you are a year older today, may you age in extraordinary excellence and divine encounter in Jesus name! Happy birthday, dearest!

43. You are blessed without measure, friend and your new age is exhorted above all odds! Congratulations to you! Age prosperously!

44. Happy birthday to my ever rare gem! May your new age be transformed into unlimited grace and goodness! 

45. Most beautiful happy birthday to you, friend, may you age with all goodness and may mercy always speak on your behalf! Happy birthday, great friend! 


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